Sheriff's Office
LEPC - Safety Information for Agribusiness

SARA Title III requires communities to develop off-site emergency response plans for facilities and farms that
have extremely hazardous substances (EHS). It also gives the citizens the right to know about hazardous chemicals
that are stored and released in our community.
Preparing a farm disaster plan is critical for owners of small and large farms alike. Protecting your livestock,
crops, and people are something everyone should be prepared for. Although, the word disaster usually implies big
events disasters can also be personal events like a house or barn fire, or a local event like a chemical or oil
Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilizer
Depending on the amount of anhydrous ammonia you have on site, will depend who you notify, whether you need an air
permit, or fall under MIOSHA standards.
If you have 500 pounds or more of anhydrous ammonia on site, even if the anhydrous ammonia is on site only during
applications, the Kent County LEPC and Michigan Sara Title III Program must be notified. Kent County LEPC is required
to write an off site emergency plan for your facility or farm. Contact the Kent County LEPC at 616-632-6256 or the
Michigan SARA Title III Program at 517-373-8481 for more information.
Notification cards are available on the back of the Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2575, “Emergency Planning
for the Farm”. This bulletin is available from your county extension office by calling 1-888-678-3464.
Emergency Releases
SARA Title III requires “Facilities, including agricultural establishments and agribusinesses, must immediately notify the LEPC’s and the SERC’s likely to be affected if there is a release into the environment of a hazardous substance that exceeds the reportable quantity for that substance.”
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)The EPA has
finalized a new rule that addresses how releases to the air of hazardous substances from animal waste (manure,
digestive emissions and urea) at farms must be reported. Go here for more information.
This fact sheet will assist
you, as a farmer, in understanding your obligations under the SPCC Program. Remember that milk is considered an oil
under the SPCC rule.
Disaster and Spill Response Plans
Michigan State University Extension has a website dedicated to emergency response for those in the agri-business or
farm industry. This site is loaded with information and links in developing a farm security plan as well.
Bioterrorism and Security
Michigan Homeland
Information for those involved in
a food industry in Michigan | (616) 632-6256