Sheriff's Office
Traffic Safety Unit
The Traffic Safety Unit is a specialized team dedicated to accident investigation, public education of traffic concerns, and traffic law enforcement. The unit is responsible for the investigation of all serious injury and fatal traffic crashes that occur within the Kent County Sheriff's Office patrol districts.
The Kent County Sheriff's Office uses state-of-the-art equipment and computer software to reconstruct crashes that are likely to result in criminal prosecution or civil litigation. The unit has highly trained crash reconstruction experts. The unit reviews all crash reports submitted by the Patrol Division or by citizens online.

Traffic Safety Unit Deputies are often invited to speak to citizen and law enforcement groups about driver safety and crash investigation techniques. Deputies within the unit are allowed to exercise their individual talent and interests to focus upon approved traffic safety projects. The unit has several fully operational police motorcycles that are used for public appearances, parade details, and traffic enforcement.

Deputies within the unit are assigned to patrol specific locations as reported by citizens or other law enforcement sources to deter traffic violations. Several speed boards are rotated throughout Kent County to give a visual reminder to the motoring public to stay within the posted speed limit.
Currently, there are three Deputies and one Sergeant assigned to the unit. Three of the positions are paid directly by the State of Michigan as part of a grant (Public Act 416).
Lt. Deanna Bergstrom